Suresmile is ANYTHING but traditional.
Doctor Scanlan is the first and only orthodontist in Asheville who is both trained and providing SureSmile treatment.
Does SureSmile cost more?
The short answer is no.... When your treatment time is decreased, you are not the only one benefiting from fewer appointments, fewer days missed from school and less time out of your busy schedule; Doctor Scanlan and his team spends less time overall working on your braces. You're done quicker! Efficiency of treatment makes up for the additional cost of providing the latest treatment technology and allows your treatment fee to remain the same.
Is SureSmile more comfortable?
Teeth move best when light continuous forces are applied. That is exactly what SureSmile does. Your customized wires are designed to apply just enough force to move your teeth and avoid excessive force which can leave you in pain and slow tooth movement. When light foces are applied the blood supply to your teeth remains optimal, allowing the biology of tooth movement to work more efficiently with as little pain as possible.
Why does SureSmile work faster?
Here is the beauty of this technology. Your teeth are not moving any faster with Suresmile, your teeth are moving more efficiently and more directly to the proper positions leaving you with a beautiful smile and heathly bite in 40% less time.
Is this technology removing the orthodontist from actually treating us?
No, not at all. This is empowering Doctor Scanlan with the ability to see your teeth from every angle possible and align your teeth in the exact position necessary. Your Orthodontist is in more control of your treatment. No longer is trial and error of bending wires chair-side the norm.
Doctor Scanlan says: " It's like going from a typewriter to a computer; you have the same author typing away but now your author can cut, paste, spell check, zoom-in, edit and review the paper before it goes to print. I can proof read your bite long before you are getting out of braces. With this technology, SureSmile is the standard of care."
Visit the Suresmile website to learn more. Visit us for your orthodontic needs.
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