Over Halloween 2009 Dr. Scanlan and his Team orchestrated a candy buy-back.
What is a buy back?
As every parent knows, when Halloween hits, candy is everywhere!! .........Dr. Scanlan wants it. In fact, Dr. Scanlan was rewarding his patients with Tokens from his rewards program for every pound of candy.
Where is Doctor Scanlan sending all this candy?
Having been in the military for four years himself, Dr. Scanlan knows there are children in underdeveloped countries who have been orphaned. These children know very little about what goes on outside of their country. Some of these children are told the U.S. is the reason they are orphaned. Dr. Scanlan sends candy to these children with the message that we care....
To the TS Orthodontics kids: See these kids? You have made their day :-)
Dr. Scanlan and TS Orthodontics plans to continue this kind of giving