Friday, November 13, 2009

Accelerating your orthodontic treatment with SureSmile, from Dr. Scanlan

We're well into November, but did you know October was National Orthodontic Health Month? There are millions of busy adults and teenagers who often object to the typical orthodontic treatment length of two years. But now, Dr. Scanlan is offering SureSmile, treatment that is 40% faster and technology that enables him to provide more efficient treatment. SureSmile is known to reduce the treatment time and number of discomfort episodes for patients needing braces.

Take a look at the video above. It's a great description of SureSmile and how this tool is transforming orthodontics as we know it today. Unlike conventional orthodontics, which uses a plaster model and 2-D imaging, SureSmile gives the orthodontist a detailed 3-D computer model of the patients’ teeth that can precisely plot individual tooth movement through the entire course of treatment – from start to finish.

“SureSmile technology is a perfect option for busy teens and adults who do not have time for frequent office visits or lengthy procedures,” Dr. Scanlan says. “With this system, my patients can now obtain the smiles they desire with less overall discomfort and shorter treatment times than before. SureSmile is the future of orthodontic care.”

For additional information about the SureSmile system, give us a call.


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