Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Suresmile: Your Scanning Appointment

Congratulations! Now that your braces are on, it’s time for your SureSmile scan!

Why a scan?
The scan builds a 3-D model of your teeth on the computer. Dr. Scanlan will analyze the model to diagnose your treatment and design your custom archwires.

What happens at this appointment?
First, we will apply a white coating, called SureWhite®, which contains some of the same ingredients as toothpaste, to your teeth. Once the SureWhite® has been applied, it is dried. It is important to keep the teeth dry; therefore, we will use cheek retractors just like at your bonding appointment.
Next, we will begin to scan (take a picture) each tooth with a 3-D camera called the OraScanner®. As the OraScanner’s mirror moves over each tooth, it flashes a harmless white light that reflects off the teeth. As it flashes, it captures the picture. As each tooth is scanned, you can watch the images build the 3-D model of your teeth.

What is a scan?
We will scan your upper teeth, lower teeth and your teeth when you are biting together. It is very important that we capture your bite correctly!
How do I get the SureWhite off my teeth?
Once the scan is complete, you simply brush your teeth to remove the SureWhite®.

What happens to the scan?
The scan will be sent to the SureSmile Digital Lab where individual tooth models are made. This is the 3-D model that Dr. Scanlan will use to design your custom archwires to insert at your next appointment!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Suresmile: A Few Friendly Reminders

Now that you know about Suresmile and have your braces, it is important to keep the following in mind.

Remember to avoid foods that could damage or break a bracket or wire.
Foods to avoid include the following:
Sticky or Chewy foods (Caramel, Gummies, Tootsie Rolls, Gum, Taffy, etc.)
Hard or Crunchy foods (Nuts, Hard candies, Chips, especially Doritos, Pretzels, Bagels, French bread, Pizza crust, Hard rolls, Corn on the cob, Popcorn, Whole apples or Carrots, etc.)

Keep your appointments to ensure that your treatment stays on schedule!

Wear your elastics, as Dr. Scanlan has instructed.

Oral hygiene is extremely important, especially with braces.
Daily brushing and flossing, along with visiting your dentist every six months will allow your orthodontic treatment to go more smoothly.

Keep up the good work and we look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is SureSmile?

What is Suresmile?
Suresmile is a ground-breaking treatment system that Dr. Scanlan uses and he is the first and only orthodontist in Western North Carolina who uses Suresmile.
With Suresmile, your teeth will be moving more directly and accurately, which mean less discomfort and a shorter treatment time.
Suresmile includes a series of wires that Dr. Scanlan prescribes for your individual mouth.

You probably have a friend or family member who has had braces. Remember when they used to go in every month to get their braces "tightened"? What the orthodontist was actually doing was removing the wires and manually placing different bends in them to get the teeth to move in different directions. Sometimes the bends over-corrected; sometimes they under-corrected, and this is why treatment took so long. Conventional treatment actually moved teeth more than they needed to move, in directions that were not intended. Much of traditional treatment by the orthodontist was correcting side-effects caused by treatment itself!

Dr. Scanlan uses a system called Suresmile that reduces the need for so many appointments and delivers a level of care to you or your child never seen before. With Suresmile, we will take a scan of your teeth a few months after getting your braces. A computer will build a 3-D model from this scan allowing Dr. Scanlan to analyze the movement your teeth need and apply those movements. This is only where the magic begins! Dr. Scanlan will also analyze movement that should be avoided and those movements can be minimized or completely prevented. Dr. Scanlan will decide where each tooth needs to be and give you the best smile possible and a healthy bite that lasts.

Your computer designed wire which Dr. Scanlan has created virtually in software is sent to a robot which bends customized wires for your teeth. These wires contain all the necessary bends to get your teeth from where they were when they were scanned to where they need to be for a beautiful smile. The precision of Suresmile helps move your teeth with accuracy. Since your teeth are not over-corrected or under corrected like traditional braces, you'll spend less time in braces..... almost 40% less time on average! Now is that standard of care? Dr. Scanlan says YES!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

ABCCM Food Drive

"Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

It's time for the ABCCM food drive! If you would like to participate, please bring canned goods with you to your next appointment.

Bring at least 5 canned goods and enter a drawing for an Ingles gift card!

We will be collection canned goods through the end of November and the winner of the drawing will be announced on December 1st.

Thank you for your help and we look forward to seeing you soon!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkin Contest Winners!




Thank you to ALL who participated and we look forward to next year's contest!!!